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Gluten free menu: NO
Gluten free bread: NO
Gluten free pizza: NO
Gluten free pasta: NO
Gluten Free Options
All crepes are made with GF rice flour batter.
Sweet Crepe Toppings
- strawberries
- blueberries
- raspberries
- bananas
- mango
- lychee
- whipped yogurt
- pistachios
- almonds
- chocolate
- ice cream
- note that chocolate Pocky sticks and custard creams are not GF
Savory Crepe Toppings
- lettuce
- carrots
- onions
- peppers
- shallots
- beans
- sesame seeds
- smoked salmon
- spinach
- capers
- green beans
- cream cheese
- avocado
- edamame
- boiled egg
- cheese
- asparagus
- tomatoes
- corn
- bacon
- ask about the sauces as many do contain gluten