I’m all for food intolerance tests because I’m so thankful that taking a test five years ago led me to the realization that I had to cut gluten out of my diet. Five years ago, I didn’t even know what gluten was… imagine my shock when I was told I had to stop eating it!
I constantly hear people say that they could never NOT eat gluten. First of all, if you have to do it, you can do it! And secondly, it’s really not that hard once you figure out what you can and cannot eat. You guys see that I eat a TON of delicious food so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything 🙂
I recently learned about the Pinnertest and was intrigued. I haven’t taken a food intolerance test since I first found out about gluten five years ago so I was interested in taking another test and seeing if anything else came up.
How to Take the Test:
It’s super easy to take the test – you don’t even have to go to the doctor! When you order a Pinnertest, they send you a kit with instructions (all pics above). When you receive the kit, then you or someone else (thanks Brendan!) pricks you with a pricker they provide. Pricks/needles/shots are not my thing so I’m glad I had Brendan there to do it! After you get pricked, you press that finger onto the sheet to get some blood on it. Finally, you send it back in the addressed envelope. You will receive your food intolerance results up to 7 to 10 business days later.
My Results:
I have screenshots of my food intolerance test results above. You will see that gluten did not show up in my results. If you want to be tested for gluten (or any other food item), you must eat it the week before taking the test. I chose not to do that because I haven’t purposely ingested gluten in over five years and didn’t want to start now! I already know that I can’t eat gluten, and my reaction to gluten is throwing up so it wasn’t worth it to me. If you’re already eating a bit or a lot of gluten and curious to see if you’re food intolerant to it, I recommend getting testing for it.
I’m really happy that only a few foods to avoid came up from this test!
– Potato: 1 degree (low reaction)
– Apple: 2 degree (moderate reaction)
– Onion: 3 degree (high reaction)
I don’t go out of my way to eat potatoes or onions so it will be easy for me to avoid those foods. I would say I eat them more at restaurants when they’re part of dishes rather than using them in my recipes. However, I do eat an apple every day as part of my breakfast so this will be challenging for me! I got into the routine of eating an apple in college because they’re always available, and you can eat them on the go. I’m going to work on eating more berries, oranges, kiwis and other fruits in the morning instead of apples 🙂
I definitely recommend taking this test to find out if you have any food intolerances! It’s so important to know what is making you feel sick and not 100%. Use my code GFFM for $60 off your Pinnertest, and let me know how it goes for you!
This is a Pinnertest sponsored post. All opinions are my own.